Goblin Truthbearer

Small humanoid (goblinoid), chaotic evil

Armor Class
16 (demonbound robes)
Hit Points
208 (32d6+96)
30 ft., fly 20 ft.

13 (+1) 13 (+1) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 22 (+6) 21 (+5)

Perception +9
Damage Resistances
necrotic, radiant
Condition Immunities
charmed, frightened
truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 19
Common, Goblin, Abyssal
11 (7,200 XP)
Proficiency Bonus

Nimble Escape. The truthbearer can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of their turns.

The Black Obelisk. At the start of the first round of combat that the truthbearer is not surprised, if there is not already a Shriek within 300 feet, one erupts from a spot within 30 feet of the truthbearer.

Serene Movement. The truthbearer floats a foot above the ground, ignoring any difficult terrain.

Sight Beyond Life. When the truthbearer is reduced to half HP or less, a powerful aura of energy begins to emit from their mouth. The energy has both visual and aural form, appearing as a blackness and sounding like a low throbbing. All creatures that start or end their turn within 20 feet of the truthbearer take 1d8 necrotic damage and 1d8 radiant damage. If the truthbearer is within 30 feet of the Shriek, for each point of necrotic damage dealt, that many soul fragments are added to the Shriek. The Shriek takes the radiant damage.

Life Beyond Sight. When the truthbearer is reduced to 0 HP, the Shriek nearest to them is destroyed.

From Beyond, the Shrieking Horde. When a Shriek within 300 feet of the truthbearer is destroyed, for each soul fragment within that Shriek’s Basin of Souls, a Sacrificial Goblin is spawned in a random spot within 30 feet of the Shriek.


Sudden Clarity. The truthbearer emits a telepathic cry that affects all creatures within 20 feet of them. If a Shriek is within this range, the cry is transmitted through that Shriek to all other Shrieks within 300 feet of the truthbearer, affecting all creatures within 20 feet of those Shrieks as well. All creatures within range take 1d8 psychic damage. The truthbearer then targets any creature within 120 feet of them that was not impacted by the telepathic cry. The target must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On a failure, the target is stunned until the end of their next turn and takes the sum of psychic damage dealt to all creatures by the telepathic cry. On a success, they are not stunned and take half that much psychic damage.

Come, Come. The truthbearer summons 1d4 sacrificial goblins from the nearest Shriek if the truthbearer is within 30 feet of one. The sacrificial goblins appear adjacent to the Shriek and share the truthbearer’s iniative order.

The Doom Drum, Morkhal (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit, range 10ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8+6) psychic damage plus 10 (1d8+6) necrotic damage plus 10 (1d8+6) radiant damage. On a hit, the target must succeed on a DC 13 Charisma saving throw or feel the heavy weight of death upon them. If the save fails by 5 or more, or if the target has failed this save already today, the target also ages 2d4 x 10 years. If the target would be taken beyond the natural lifespan of their race by this effect, they must reverse it within 24 hours or die. The aging effect can be reversed with a greater restoration spell, but only within 48 hours of it occurring. Once a creature has suffered from this effect, they are immune to this aging effect from this truthbearer.


Heavy Are the Robes of My Children (3/Day). At the end of a round, while they are within 30 feet of a Shriek, the truthbearer may draw one soul fragment from that Shriek for each time they took damage that turn. For each soul fragment, 1d2 Sacrifical Goblins crawl forth from under the truthbearer’s robes. They occupy the spaces adjacent to the truthbearer and act on the same initiative as the truthbearer.