The Shriek

Large object

Armor Class
Hit Points
Damage Immunities
poison, psychic

Pillar. This Large object stands 20 feet tall at its highest point.

Artifact. The Shriek does not have a turn and does not roll initiative.

Basin of Souls. The Shriek starts at 0 soul fragments in its Basin of Souls. The Goblins of the Last Squeal have abilities that add to and spend the Basin’s soul fragments.

Inert. If there are no Goblins of the Last Squeal within 320 feet of the Shriek, it becomes inert and loses all of its abilities until a Goblin of the Last Squeal within range uses an action to bring it back to life.

Artifact Actions

The Shriek can take 3 artifact actions, choosing from the options below. Only one artifact action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The Shriek regains spent artifact actions at the beginning of each round of combat.

Bestow Unlife (Uses 1 Action). The Shriek may target an allied goblinoid within 120 feet and expend a number of soul fragments contained within its Basin of Souls to grant the goblinoid temporary HP equal to the number of soul fragments expended.

Take Form (Uses 1 Action). The Shriek may spend 3 soul fragments to summon a single Deprived Soul. The Deprived Soul is created in an unoccupied space adjacent to the Shriek and wanders in a straight line away from it until it finds an enemy. The Deprived Soul rolls initiave when it enters combat.

Soul Veil (Uses 2 Actions). The Shriek may spend 8 soul fragments to cloak an allied goblinoid, granting them invisibility until the end of their next turn.

Cacophony (Uses 3 Actions). The Shriek may spend 15 soul fragments to summon a horde of Sacrificial Goblins. The ground around each enemy creature within 100 feet of the Shriek trembles as 1d4 Sacrifical Goblins per enemy crawls forth from unoccupied spaces adjacent to them. Each time this ability is used, the number of soul fragments needed to use it again is doubled.

Specter of Multhogobor (Uses 3 Actions). The Shriek may expend 75 soul fragments to summon a specter of Multhogobor adjacent to it. This specter acts as soon as it is summoned. It has the same ability scores, speed, AC, HP, actions, bonus actions, and reactions as Multhogobor, the Last Squeal, Demon Lord. It dissipates at the end of the round.


Multhogobic Hardiness. When an allied goblinoid within 60 feet fails a saving throw, the Shriek may expend 10 soul fragments to allow the goblinoid to make the saving throw again.