The Nesting Mother

Huge plant, Commander, lawful neutral

Armor Class
17 (natural armor)
Hit Points
202 (15d12+105)
0 ft.

12 (+1) 8 (-1) 24 (+7) 14 (+2) 22 (+6) 12 (+1)

Saving Throws
Con +12, Wis +11
Condition Immunities
blinded, charmed, exhausted, frightened, grappled, poisoned, restrained
blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 16
Common, Goblin, Druidic, Sylvan
15 (13,000 XP)
Proficiency Bonus

Bound by Orcharn. The Nesting Mother dies within one day if she is not in woodlands.

Rapid Overgrowth. If the Nesting Mother didn’t take damage last turn, she heals for 19 HP.

Recreate, Regrow. The Nesting Mother may use her bonus action to sacrifice a Seedling of Orcharn or Corrupted Seedling of Orcharn within 60 ft. The mother re-sprouts from the seedling’s body, relocating to the space where the seedling is, killing the seedling in the process. Large or smaller inanimate objects in the space that she would occupy are destroyed by her growth and creatures in the space are moved to the nearest available space, displaced by her shifting mass.

Adaptation. When the Nesting Mother takes damage of a damage type she is not yet resistant to, she gains resistance to that damage type at the start of her next turn.

Shared Resistance. The Nesting Mother may use a bonus action to grant an allied plant creature within 15 feet of her all of the same damage resistances she currently has until the start of her next turn.


Multiattack. The nesting mother makes eight attacks with her vines.

Vines. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 30ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6+6) bludgeoning or piercing damage.

Sprout. The Nesting Mother chooses two empty spaces within 45 feet of her, each of which sprouts a Seedlings of Orcharn.

Torrent of Acid (Recharge 3-6). The Nesting Mother drops corrupted seedlings from cavernous pouches on her side, spawning 4d4 Corrupted Seedlings of Orcharn in empty spaces as close as possible to her. When spawned, each of these corrupted seedlings choose a creature to pursue. They must move towards and use their action to attack the creature if they can. If the creature is no longer targetable, the corrupted seedlings wither away, dying at the end of their next turn. The corrupted seedlings act on the Nesting Mother’s turn, including the one on which they are spawned.

The Breath of Life (Recharge 6). The Nesting Mother chooses 3 Seedlings of Orcharn within 30ft to rapidly grow, allowing them to use their Nascent Children ability immediately by using their reaction.

Villain Actions

These actions occur at the top of their designated round. These actions cannot be repeated.

Round 1: Come, Children… The Nesting Mother creates 8 Seedlings of Orcharn in empty spaces within a 60 ft radius.

Round 2. The Forest’s Grip. The Nesting Mother’s influence causes roots to sprout forth from the ground, tightly coiling around the legs of her foes. All enemies within 30 feet of the Nesting Mother must make DC 17 Strength or Dexterity saving throws. On a failure, a creature is grappled. The creature may repeat this saving throw as an action on their turn in order to free themselves.

Round 3: Evergrowth. The plants in the area around The Nesting Mother feel Orcharn’s influence wash over them. Roll one of The Nesting Mother’s hit die (d12), and add her Constitution modifier. All allied plant creatures within 45 feet of The Nesting Mother heal for that amount.

Round 5: Spontaneous Decay. From all her exertion, The Nesting Mother starts rapidly decaying, spilling acid from her sides. A pool of acid spills out around The Nesting Mother, occupying a 15 foot radius around her, which increases by 5 feet at the beginning of each following round. A creature who starts their turn in or enters the pool of acid takes 4d6 acid damage as it eats away at their flesh. The Nesting Mother takes 6d6 damage on each round, including this one. After starting Spontaneous Decay, she can no longer use Recreate, Regrow.