Oops! All Goblins v2.0 - Early March Updates

Hey y’all! Here’s a preview of some of the changes we’ve made for v2.0 this past week.

We’re going to use the term “WOTC-ify” to describe what it’s like to die inside word things more closely to the way the Monster Manual has worded them. No major changes to the ability have occurred, but they have been reworded to hopefully make more sense to folks.


  • WOTC-ified Taking Aim, Linegoblin, Soldiergoblin, and the Goblin Light Crossbow Attack.

  • Removed Multiattack.

    • One of the patterns we we found ourselves falling into very often during the creation of our Goblins was introducing complexity too often. For creature review going into v2.0, we’re paying close attention to how many things a DM might need to keep track of during their games. Especially if you’re using goblins, you’re probably juggling more than just a couple of monsters at a time, so having lots of things to keep track of can make the experience less fun for the DM. For the Arbalist, having a Multiattack with a Scimitar where the 2nd attack had disadvantage felt like extra complexity where it wasn’t needed. Especially because this goblin is not supposed to be a specialist on the front lines, and they really would prefer to be at a range with their fellow goblins. Removing the Multiattack felt worthwhile in this case.


  • General pdf reformatting

  • Added a Stealth skill of +5, because goblins

  • Fixed incorrect passive perception value, which was 12 and is now 13

  • Dropped AC from 12 -> 11

    • The Friar has a ton of HP for a CR 2 goblin already, so it felt appropriate to drop the AC by one

  • WOTC-ify Holy Goblamb

  • Clarified the wording of Angelic Aura

  • Modified Blinding Light

    • so its effects make a bit more narrative sense

    • it now impacts creatures who end their turn in the light instead of starting their turn in the light

    • changed the blinding effect from 2d2 turns to 1d4 turns

    • changed the damage dealt on a failure from 2d6 -> 1d6

    • generally simplified the wording

  • Removed the Purify ability and gave it to Saint Gobora

    • This was another case where we felt like the Friar, for a CR 2 creature, was just too complex. We moved the Purify ability to Saint Gobora instead, although Saint Gobora has not been formally re-reviewed yet


  • Slight wording tweaks and pronoun adjustments

    • We decided that because one of the themes of our book was that Goblins should come in all shapes and sizes, we would move from the WOTC convention of describing creatures as “it/its” and instead use “they/their”. Some creatures, such as constructs and monstrosities, stick to the WOTC convention of the use of “it/its”, because it made more narrative sense. The motivation behind neutral pronouns was to allow DMs to use the goblins in any way they wanted — gendered, ungendered, or otherwise, without being primed by the stat block to describe the Goblin in a particular way. This way, DMs have the freedom to describe the Goblins how they wish, so they can comfortably fit into any world you imagine.


  • Corrected its Multiple-Creature-Type formatting to be consistent with the extra ruling in the beginning of the book

  • Changed its speed from 30ft -> 20ft, because it’s still a mimic after all

  • Fixed the incorrect Stealth skill value, which went from 8 -> 6

  • Fixed the damage of Mishapen Limb, which now deals 6 (1d8+2) bludgeoning damage instead of the incorrect 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage

  • Fixed the damage of Bite, which now deals 9 (2d6+2) piercing damage instead of the incorrect 11 (2d6+4) piercing damage

  • Added a clarifying statement to Hide! Hide! that the obscuring smoke lasts for a single round

…and more! Stay tuned for v2.0, which we hope will be a much higher quality version of Oops! All Goblins than v1.0, and will have lots of more goodies for you to enjoy.

Until next time,


